Access to Information

1. Digital
¡á What is Digital
People say that the life
has become more convenient as the use of information
technology grows. As the use of computers has become
common, various contents are available on the net and
it becomes possible to conduct commercial activities
electronically, the Internet has become a part of everyday
routine life. However, it only applies
to people who are fortunate enough to have an education
to learn how to use the computer and the Internet, and
can afford to buy contents. For television, anyone can
benefit from broadcasting services by performing a few
simple activities such as turning on the TV and pressing
the remote controller. On the other hand, unlike the
newspapers and TV, you need to be competent in using
computers and pay a relatively high fee in order to
use the Internet. Furthermore, you need to pay a fixed
fee every time you want to make a connection to the
Internet, type the website address you want to visit
in English and able to find the information you want.
In addition, some types of contents such as movies and
educational resources require you to pay another price
for using them. Consequently,
in order to get benefits from the Information society,
you require to have more knowledge and money, which
leads to the ¡®Digital Divide¡¯. The Digital Divide
can be best described by the disparity in access and
use of information caused by inability to access computers
and the Internet due to economic reasons, educational
background, disability, age and regions.
Access to and the ability
to effectively use information and communications technologies
(ICTs) to obtain accurate, sufficient and timely information
and services are becoming increasingly important to
fully participate in Information Society. Hence, the
problem regarding ¡®Digital Divide¡¯ is not a simple
division between information ¡°haves and have-nots¡±.
As a matter of fact, there were no eras or societies
where everyone could get the same access or usage of
information. Information gap, in terms of ownership
of information and the degree of usage, or the knowledge
gaps always exist. However, as the importance of information
increases in most activities in society including production,
the Digital Divide has become known as a key factor
that creates an inequality in our society.
Digital Divide caused by social inequality would lead
to unfairness in obtaining opportunity, then leads to
a vicious circle by expansion of social inequality.
¡á Legislative and
political power limiting the access to information
Even before the industrial
society developed, limiting the access to knowledge
and information was an important control strategy of
controlling parties. In fact, the use of printing technology
that is called as one of the significant historical
inventions was prevent from use or allowed only to privileged
groups because it was believed to help spreading harmful
or politically prevented attitudes. The difference is
that this practice was conducted by a humane mean such
as King¡¯s command under the mask of God¡¯s order while
it is justified by a non-humane mean such as laws in
modern society.
The recent conducts of
Government such as preventing access for a certain websites
for the purpose of sustaining its political system as
well as not releasing information maintained by the
government to public can be seen as limiting the people¡¯s
right to access to information. Not releasing information
obtained while conducting government activities to people
who are the sovereign of the country without any justifying
reasons or corporations withholding information that
may have a significant impact on workers or consumers
by claiming that it is an ¡®operational confidentiality¡¯
are the intervention of people¡¯s right to know and
unreasonable access restriction on information.
Although restricting
access to information by legislative means or political
power have reduced or removed as a result of the continuous
efforts of people and workers, the restriction has been
strengthened currently by ¡®invisible hands¡¯ instead
of descriptive restriction. They are restrictions to
access posed by economical logic and market logic.
¡á Economic causes
of Information inequality
By virtue of the fast
growing ICTs, people can enjoy high quality and various
services that could not even be expected in the past.
However, at the same time, the cost of enjoyment is
also increasing. Therefore, people who cannot afford
to pay for these advanced ICTs on their salaries cannot
help but being excluded from the benefits of new technologies.
Moreover, current privatization
of ICT industries and the introduction of competitive
system have deepened the information inequality. Entrants
to the competitive market focus their investments on
areas where they can minimize their costs while maximize
the profit such as long distance call services or urban
area services. Consequently, other areas gets overlooked
or under-invested and this leads to decrease in service
quality or increase in price. In fact, a number of statistical
findings demonstrate that the difference between high-income
households and those of low regarding the rate of network
usages has been increasing. This proves that the current
introduction of competitive system and privatizations
in ICTs market are not capable of reducing the information
As discussed above, there
is a high possibility that low-income households can
become changes by being excluded by ICTs services due
to economic reasons.
¡á Social and cultural
causes of Information inequality
Some people argue that
the information inequality problems is not a matter
of being wealthy or not. It means that even if you are
wealthy enough to get access to the ICTs, if you do
not have the ¡®information competence¡¯ then you cannot
help but being behind in the information society. In
the other side of this argument, there is an ideology
arguing that if you have the ¡®information competence¡¯,
you can stay in the better status in the information
society. As a matter of fact, a number of social and
cultural factors affect the information inequality.
Factors such as individuals¡¯ educational level and
gender difference take a major part. However, these
factors are not exclusive. These social and cultural
factors have close relationships with economic factors
discussed before. a. Education
First of all, there are
the digital divide issues in relation to educational
levels. People with low educational background generally
earn less income, thus get restrictions regarding the
access to information. However, the problem cannot be
resolved by a mere increase in income level. This is
due to the fact that many people tend to hesitate in
accessing information because the contents are difficult
to understand or it is too cumbersome to get the access
to the information. Furthermore, where public educational
organisations such as schools do not properly offer
educations in relation to computers, educations necessary
for ICTs are conducted through private educational organisations.
Therefore, people who do not have time or money to get
the educations would lose the opportunity for learning
and training and get left in the bottom level of the
information inequality system
In addition to this,
language barriers become a restricting factor to the
access to information. This is due to the fact that
the Internet is the real ¡®global¡¯ network only to
those who are competent in foreign languages.
b. Gender
Next, there is a digital
divide issue regarding the gender difference. A number
of information sociologists have argued that women¡¯s
participation and power would be increased as post-industrial
society and the world trend gets changed from the period
of physical labor with masculine characteristic to the
period of intellectual labor with feminine characteristic.
However, a number of statistical findings demonstrate
that women have the less degree of access to ICTs services
compare to men.
According to the research
findings of woman's organization, first of all, women
are in a relatively difficult situation for accessing
the computers or networks compared to men. Most men
work for jobs that allow affordable and convenient access
to computers and networks while many women stay at home
for housework, which results in the decrease in women¡¯s
degree of access to such services. Second, a socially
accepted view has prevented women from enjoying opportunity
to get familiar with computers and networks. The socially
accepted view that emphasizes on teaching boys technology
and teaching girls something more ¡®feminine¡¯ has been
profoundly settled in parents view. Third, due to the
inequality in education, the information and networks
are male-centrally designed and composed and women find
it unfamiliar. In the cyberspace where there is a crowd
of male users, women even often get sexually harassed
like in the ¡®real space.¡¯ If a user is considered
a female, male users often make sexually embarrassing
jokes or hostile comments that leads to deepen the tendency
of women¡¯s avoiding online activities.
Another important cause
of this problem is that generally women are in inferior
status to that of men. In fact, in America, even if
the 94% of the total population has the access to the
telephone service, it is relatively low for single mothers
compared to that of males and it is only 50% when considering
the poor. The more important issue to consider is that
this low access rate would result in hardening the existing
gender discriminating social system. Single females
who do not have telephone access have low contact rates
with close relatives and feel uncomfortable with traveling
a long distance for work if they have children. As a
result, they could get isolated from families and job
opportunities and thus could not get out of the socially
weak position.
c. Disability
Development of ICTs received
a lot of attention and expectation that it would be
used to assist disabled people by allowing them to work
at home, access electronic libraries and remote access
services and use e-commerce services for purchasing
the necessaries. However, their disabilities have
created difficulties in accessing such information or
ICTs services.
Consider the situation
where a lame person wants to use electronic libraries.
If he/she does not have a computer or the Internet access
at home, he/she has to travel to public access points.
This makes no difference to normal libraries, which
require disabled people to inconveniently travel to
get to. In case of vision-impaired people, they
have great difficulty in using the commonly used GUI
(Graphical User Interface) style web browsers. Therefore,
unless voice-activated electronic library or screen
narration services for these people are developed, it
may not be viable for them to enjoy the full benefits
of ICTs.
d. Age, Race,
There are many factors
that restrict the access to the information and network
and deepen the inequality other than educational levels
and gender difference. Minor groups such as kids, elderly
people, people of color and migrant workers are socially
disadvantaged groups in the real life as well as in
the cyberspace. The situation where these people
have little opportunity to get access to information
deepens the isolation by resulting in the disparity
of perception. In 1995, an American anthropologist,
Batteau found an interesting fact while he was conducting
a case study targeting a southern Chicago area where
a population of 41,000 people (62% consists of the black,
32% Latin American mixed blood and only 7% consists
of the white). First, he found that most people in that
area considered the use of computers as something for
the while people. They believe that they could not use
computers due to their low educational background. However,
paradoxically, they (most of them are
low income earners)
have been spending average $170 per month for getting
information through means other than using computers.
Apparently, although they knew the needs for information,
they were not familiar with computers and network that
could have satisfied their needs more economically.
And this ¡®unfamiliarity¡¯ have resided deeply into
their perception and prevented them from accessing ICTs
2. Universal
¡á Origin of the Universal
As an approach to prevent
this inequality regarding the access to information
or network from causing another significant social conflicts,
many countries have been preparing ways to deal with
this problem. The most well known strategy for reducing
the impact of information inequality is the ¡®Universal
Service¡¯ policy.
Originally, the ¡®Universal
Service¡¯ was one of the governmental policy aims or
means targeting the communication industries in America,
which was organized and led by the market and corporations.
This concept was first understood in early 1990s, when
the American telecommunication industry was controlled
by regions by a number of independent telecommunication
companies such as AT&T. However, AT&T started
to expand their business by acquiring all sorts of patents
and trade licenses, and independent telecommunication
companies had to exit the market one after another.
As it became an issue that AT&T was trying to monopolizing
the telecommunication market, Theodore Vail, who was
the directing manager of AT&T, promoted a slogan,
¡°One Policy, One System, Universal Service¡±, in order
to justifying their effort to own telecommunication
services throughout the country. ¡®One Policy¡¯ meant
that to apply and sustain the same policy in terms of
fees and services, and ¡®One System¡¯ meant that to
the compatibility
of the system in order to allow all service subscribers
to connect to each other. This played a role of dominating
the market over their competitors by clearly demonstrating
AT&T¡¯s own strength as well as reducing the inconvenience
of telephone connections caused by different companies
managing different areas independently.
Later, in 1934, after
The Federal Communication Act had been launched, the
Universal Service policy became a part of the important
public policy among telecommunication policies in America.
In other words, the government let AT&T monopolize
the telecommunication services while imposing the responsibility
of offering the Universal Service that allows users
¡°to easily access the ¡®basic¡¯ telecommunication services
in wide area at an affordable price¡± in order to prevent
the increase in prices or service inequality, which
might be caused by the monopolization. AT&T implemented
the internal cross-subsidy strategy to balance the profit
differences between local call sector, which was making
loss, and long distance call sector, which was making
profit, and successfully fulfill this requirement. As
a result, the ¡®Universal Service¡¯ policy was utilized
to minimize the cases of service rejection or deficiency
in quality towards socially weak groups in telecommunication
market that was controlled by
a monopoly company. Soon
after, this policy was widely adopted as an important
ground rule and management principle by other countries¡¯
communication policies as well as other communication
services policies.
OECD defines the Universal
Service as follows (1) To be able to access telephone
services at anywhere throughout the country (2)
Anyone should be able to access the telephone service
at affordable price (3) To be able to access good
quality service (4) There should not be disparity
in fees charged
¡á Information Super-highway
and Universal Service
The introduction of the
¡®Information Super-highway has brought changes in the
principle of the Universal Service. First, the
existing implementation strategy for the Universal Service
which a large monopoly corporation such as AT&T
balance the profit structure by internal cross-subsidy
between different business sectors becomes unfeasible
in situations where a number of companies participate
in the market competitively. Therefore, it becomes a
problem how to supply financial funds if the Universal
Service policy remains the same. Another change is that
it becomes ambiguous to decide the boundary of the ¡®basic
services¡¯ that was the basis of the Universal Service
as a various information communication services become
available by virtue of technology advancements. In the
past, voice telephone service was the fundamental tool
needed by all American citizens to participate in a
social communication process. However, there is a numerous
services available in nowadays such as all sorts of
supplementary services, video conferencing services,
the Internet services and so on, hence it becomes difficult
to decide what and how much should be included as an
Universal Service sector to be enjoyed by all people
without any inequality. As a result, this again draws
the attention to the issue of how to implement a policy
to exercise a proper care for socially weak groups in
the situation where a number of information communication
companies participate in the market competition with
a various types of services.
In Switzerland, ¡®Computer
for all¡¯ policy is well known as an effort to reduce
the digital divide. When an employer provides computers
to his/her employees, tax benefits can be claimed, and
although it is a over-incomes for workers, no tax is
charged for this income. In America, the government
enforced the public facilities such as schools, libraries
and hospitals to provide information communication services
for regional, island and isolated areas where these
services are not properly supplied. Currently, it becomes
an important issue for the Universal Service requirements
to offer information and support minor non-English spoken
people in America.
However, there are voices
raised to argue that there is no need for the government
interventions to implement these public policies. The
reason is that the resources such as information, network
and frequency categorized as a ¡®public resources¡¯
public goods due to their scarce nature are now sufficient
enough for everyone to use. This can be considered to
be on the line of neo-liberalistic idea that requires
the minimization of the government intervention to market.
Limitations of ¡®Universal Service¡¯
Yet, it is still questionable
whether the Universal Service by public policy can be
achieved by the market principle. Application of the
market principle means the expansion of competition,
and this inevitably leads to the situation where service
sectors become more concentrated to areas where higher
profits can be produced. This problem has already been
seen in air transportation industry where privatization
started relatively early as well as communication industry.
Here, we need to consider
the criticisms made towards the concept of the ¡®Universal
Service.¡¯ The Universal Service provided in America
can be seen as an effort to protect the public interests
by preventing the own decision-makings and tyranny of
the monopoly company in the communication industry system
at that time, where a company monopolized the telephone
service business throughout the country. However, it
was argued that it was only a tool to calm down the
possible complaints of people regarding the inevitable
bad effect on society resulted from the monopolization.
It means that low and affordable price is not the only
matter. Development and advancement of technology and
services are real issues to be considered in order to
construct a system where all people in the society can
equally enjoy the benefits.
Another fact to point
out is that the Universal Service has become a policy
reflecting interests of corporations. Network is generally
value adding when a certain number of people use the
system. Hence, it becomes a vital issue for new companies
how to get this number of people at low cost and in
short time. Consequently, the policy enforcing companies
to provide services to many people under the name of
the Universal Service has been a good strategy for companies
for exploring the market in early stage using tax paid
by citizens. Due to this reason, the information super-highway
policy that many countries are strongly supporting can
be explained as a way to relieve the financial burden
in relation to the large amount of the initial burying
costs that a company has to invest to enter the market.
Therefore, the establishment of a concept beyond that
of Universal Service is necessary to exercise the right
of universal access in the information society.
3. Public access
Article 19 of Universal
Declaration of Human Rights says, ¡°Everyone has the
right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right
includes freedom to hold opinions without interference
and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas
through any media and regardless of frontiers.¡± It
means that rights to receive information including freedom
of expression and thoughts is one of the most important
human rights.
The problem regarding
the universal service is not just a ¡®economic¡¯ policy
problem since it relates to the issue of inequality.
It is a political and social issue. Therefore, it is
necessary to focus on the concept of ¡®public access¡¯
as an advanced idea over the universal service.
This seems to be an effort
to overcome limitations of disputes of the Universal
services ? returning to economic issues such as how
to spread the cost or the technology-centered views
that development of technology would resolve the conflict.
Also, it is different from the existing awareness of
the Universal Services since it regards the public as
¡®information provider¡¯ and ¡®active player¡¯ at the
same time instead of considering the public as ¡®consumers¡¯
who passively accepts the ICTs services. Furthermore,
it promotes changes in technology or the system itself
as well as the policy supporting this perspective regarding
the public.
¡á Introduction of
Public Access
Recently, claimable rights
such as act to open information have been established
as regulations in order to protect people¡¯s right to
know. Likely, it is essential to establish economic
and technological environments as well as legislative
system to allow unlimited access to information in information
society. In order to construct an environment where
everyone can easily get access to information they need,
securing the access pints and various information source,
and sustaining the compatibility of information are
required. Therefore, the expansion of the concept of
¡®right to know¡¯ would include the right to access
the network which is the base of information communications
as well as the right to access information.
The access channel is
the political awareness of these issues. In the past,
broadcasting services were considered as public goods
due to the scarcity of frequency resources, but gradual
commercialization resulted in a public announcement
of media¡¯s monopolization of the scarce frequency.
As a result, the broadcasting service has become a tool
for profit making of monopoly large corporations rather
than become a representative of public interest to meet
the needs of the public. Recently, as a various types
of media and channels become available via the introduction
of cable TV, satellite TV and the Internet broadcasting
services, efforts to actively participate in the media
from the mere receivers of the services. Particularly,
in some countries, there are many activities and efforts
conducted to protect the public interest against commercialized
mass broadcasting services via establishment of public
access channels such as public channels or open channels.
¡á Tasks for protecting
the right of public access
First of all, the issue
of the right to access is not a matter of ICTs policy.
This is because the fact that regardless of whether
it is information or network, everything seems to move
towards privatization and commercialization in neo-liberalism
trend. This would adversely impact on the perspective
of the information and network as a public good, and
the possibility to protect again this effect seems relatively
small. Therefore, access to information and network
would become a matter of continuous challenge.
Also the issue of the
right to access is not a matter of ¡®use¡¯. It is a
matter of ¡®right¡¯, ¡®ownership¡¯ and ¡®participation.¡¯
This is not a privilege given by the government or companies.
This is a universal right that are naturally entitled
to people in democratic societies. What is the more
important than how well the given information and network
can be utilized is whose information and network is
and for whom they exist. Thus, it is the matter of ownership
and participation.
And the issue of the
right to access is not only a matter of prices. Affordable
price is the essential requirement for protecting the
right to access, but itself is not sufficient to fulfill
the whole requirements. The issue is the system that
protects the right to access. The right to access movement
would be the effort to make it possible for the society
to have a system which supports educational system that
are not burdened to individuals but responsible for
the society, network system that are not the tool for
producing profits but for facilitating social communication
which fulfils the original role, and information that
are not created as arms for competing but accumulated
by public knowledge.
After all, the issue
of right to access is not limited to physical network
problems. Of course, it is very important to approach
the universal design that enables the universal access
from technology and networks. However, on its own, it
only means a right to access for form¡¯s sake. The fundamental
principle of the protection of the right to access is
to secure both this design and supply for public use.
Consequently, if information and network are not viewed
as something that works together, the protection of
the right to access would always be insufficient.